Posted by : Unknown
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Oh, XCOM—how easy it is to love you and so desperately hate you at the same time. If you're unfamiliar with Firaxis Games' slick reboot of the turn-based strategy classic, XCOM, it's a game about building a crack team of skilled soldiers to do battle with Earth-invading aliens. All of whom will die. Good times!
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Forget the fact that the game is just genuinely punishing on any mode above Easy (and even then it doesn't always play fair), but whenever a soldier dies in battle, they're gone forever. You may have known Colonel Bootlicker (yes you get to name each one) for only a few minutes, or even days, but when he falls to that sneering Martian across the battlefield, you really feel it. And when Marshall Mallow is sniped running to his aid, controllers get thrown.
It's that sinking feeling in your stomach that returns again and again in XCOM. Don't worry, when all of your good characters die, the game does you a favor and pretty much makes victory an overwhelmingly impossible task. Now you can do it all again!
See more : All Of The Souls Games