Posted by : Unknown Monday, 21 March 2016

This game is like a comic combination between sneaking skills, action, a bit of strategy and cuteness. This game is the sequel of the original Raft Wars game that was released on the internet a few years ago. It is not a difficult game, but also it is not too easy. Still, the point is that you will have part of a lot of fun playing it.
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As Mentioned above it was the continuation of the game is the first one. Tuy nhiên, in this one the main character is the little Simon who has a brother. They cả đã gone Into a return trip and khi có chúng Security Will Be Immense surprise one. This is vì có place where the treasure was hidden Had chúng Occupied by a water park.
Considering they've worked pretty hard có to gather có treasure, chúng Will not give up an until chúng Sneak Into the park and retrieve what belongs to add. Here is khi you will come in to action. You are the one sẽ help brothers to take back Safely này có treasure. This is another funny adventure of the two brothers sẽ extremely enjoyed by the players.

You can also get into some situations where are hit some obstacles and not enemies. Those obstacles are meant to offer to the game an air of realism and you can say originality. If you want to upgrade in levels you must defeat all those that are standing in the path of Simon. This way you will win points that will help you to advance further in the game.
Once you start advancing in the game you will see that the levels become more difficult. However, this thing should not be an obstacle in your honorable mission. So, to help you a bit the game will provide you with new and powerful ammo when you are deeper in the game, but also you will receive new rafts and new allies that will help you finish the mission. These allies can also be used, even if it is a bit rude, as shields. Think that the opponents will not just sit there waiting for you to finish them all, but they will also fight back. It comes in handy to have some allies that will put their bodies as shields to protect you.

See more  :  Game shoot Bubbles

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