Posted by : Unknown Monday, 21 March 2016

Wake up the Box 6 is the sixth edition from the game series called Wake up the Box. This is a great and unique flash game because who would have thought that boxes are sleeping and seemingly have lives. Yes, you will be dealing with sleeping boxes in this series. In this six edition however, you will be utilizing the metallic shapes to make the boxes wake up. This is a game that requires basic Physics such as force and projection as well as push and pull.

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There are 35 tough and very challenging levels that you should be able to overcome. There are levels where the boxes are aligned together for you to be successful on those levels but there are levels that are quite complicated with a confusing setup. You should be able to use the shapes effectively to gain higher score. Be creative with your shapes and drawings to be successful in waking the boxes up.

See more  :  Enjoy Bridesmaids Magic Tea Party

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